Fachklasse Grafik Lucerne
A collaboration between Fachklasse Grafik Luzern and Goldbach Neo
We are pleased to launch the annual poster exhibition by the second year students of Fachklasse Grafik Lucerne together with the Fachklasse Grafik from the FMZ Lucerne.
It's not often that you get the chance to meet the designer of a poster - let alone learn about the thoughts he or she put into the design of the poster. Here you get the chance to do both. The graduates of the 2nd Fachklasse Grafik tell how they interpreted and also expressed the given themes.
Fachklasse Grafik Lucerne & Goldbach Neo
"Blickwechsel" - a collaboration between Fachklasse Grafik Lucerne and Goldbach Neo.
"Denkzettel" became "Blickwechsel". 2020 stood for: new year, new resolutions, new ways of thinking and new collaborations - 2020 has passed, but its influences will still be with us for a lifetime. 2020 has given us a "lesson to think about" (Denkzettel) - now we have to strive for a "change of perspective" (Blickwechsel) for 2022 and the years to come.
We are looking forward to launching the annual poster exhibition of the graduates of the 2nd Fachklasse Grafik in 2022 together with the FMZ Lucerne under the new name "Blickwechsel".
"A poster is a large sheet of paper or fabric, usually printed with text and images, which is attached to a billboard, poster rider, advertising pillar or other suitable surface in public to convey a message."
This is how the poster is defined on Wikipedia. But the poster has long proven that it can do more. Many centuries ago - especially after the invention of printing - the poster fulfilled a very important task: inspiring the human spirit. With a poster and its message, you could reach thousands of people at the same time. You just had to make sure that the message was presented as simply as possible so that everyone could understand it.
In today's world, posters aim to inform, invite, sell and also influence, be it services, consumer goods or events. Political opinions and other statements also find a place on posters. Nowadays, when many markets are already saturated, the competition offers equivalent products and the time pressure is only increasing, the "posteriness" of the poster also suffers: too much text, too few pictures, font size too small.
We want to go back to the origins of the poster - together with the students of the Fachklasse Grafik in Lucerne. The students are invited to formulate their thoughts, ideas, wishes and expectations for the turn of the year and to implement them in poster form. Every year with a new theme.
Fachklasse Grafik Lucerne
The Fachklasse Grafik Lucerne is part of the FMZ Lucerne. It provides full-time training to become a graphic designer with a vocational baccalaureate in design (BM). Training at a graphic arts class is the school-based alternative to the basic vocational training as a graphic artist EFZ in an apprenticeship company. The training lasts 4 years. Around 100 students attend the school. The graphics class is run by a co-leader: Tobias Klauser is responsible for design, Matthias Hauser for the BM and administration. 40 teachers teach at the school. In the design department, they are experts from the field who bring with them their experience from everyday working life. The BM teachers, on the other hand, are qualified subject teachers with a special flair for a design school.
"Blickwechsel" 2023
"Blickwechsel" 2023: "Energy"
The global energy grid is the focus of the world cup. Like a garage band playing a complex score. A shrill sound somewhere in Asia: a stadium was built with a budget of over 400 million dollars, which after a two-week falls silent again without a sound because there is no fixed plan for its continued use.
At the same time, a whirring. A living concept in Germany. It is 3.2 m2 in size. A small fire that gives a little warmth. The mobile housing boxes are made of wood and are given directly to homeless people. Inside each dwelling there is a mattress, a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher, a shelf and a camping toilet.
Infotainers explain the world. Journalists think they know how the game is played. And yet there seems to be a strange lack of basic trust in the current discourses on the resource scarcity of energy and environmental goods. Do we lack guiding ideas or simply foresight? Or do we not want to believe that perhaps liberation through consistent renunciation can be a solution and thus restore our instruments to their true sound?
Goldbach Neo and Fachklasse Grafik invite you to visit this year's "Blickwechsel" exhibition from 27 January 2023 on the piazza in front of the Luzerner Kantonalbank in the heart of Lucerne. Many thanks to all the contributors who have made this small but fine event with great regional appeal possible. And we at Goldbach Neo are pleased to offer the graduates of the specialist class a worthy platform for their posters.
Piazza Luzerner Kantonalbank, Pilatusstrasse 12, 6003 Lucerne, 27.01. - 06.02.2023
Goldbach Neo
Trainees of the 2nd year of the FMZ Fachklasse Grafik Lucerne
Uldry AG, Hinterkappelen
Behind the posters
Not often do you get the chance to meet the designer of a poster - let alone learn about the thoughts he or she put into the design of the poster. Here you get the chance to do both. The graduates of the 2nd Fachklasse Grafik tell how they interpreted the theme of "respect" and also expressed it
When talking about energy, mental energy is never addressed. My poster shows how firmly perspective plays a role. From far away, all you can see is "You can't". That should have a negative effect on the viewer. But the closer you get, the more the message changes. "Stop Trying, (You can't) Be Perfect." I wanted to show that you should always look at life from different perspectives.
More electricity, more internet, more oil, more coal, more petrol, more profit, more, more, more. We sometimes forget that we are not the only living beings in the world. Not everything can be bought with money, especially not a new planet. 28 July 2022 was this year's Earth Overshoot Day. The day when we have already taken as much from nature as the Earth's ecosystem can renew in an entire year. My poster is meant to call on the viewer to be less greedy and more careful with energy and our earth.
Not even the poor rocket ice cream has managed to find shelter from the heat in space. It still looks funny. But who knows how long we'll be laughing about it? Who knows how long it will be before the same thing happens to us? Who knows if we can prevent climate change? The answer is no. We can no longer reduce the heat, but we can stop it. That means everyone has to help. It doesn't hurt anyone to go to work by bike, bus or train once in a while, or to put organic produce from the region and season in the shopping basket. And is it really necessary to turn up the heating all the way? Or instead of letting your hair dry just like that, do you have to pick up the hairdryer immediately? In my poster I try to present an important topic in a harmless, funny way. If you only try to point out an issue negatively, loudly and aggressively, after a certain time people will not want to hear anything more about it. That's why I personally ask the viewer the question: "Too hot?"
It is the year 2080. We walk in summer clothes over bare rocks that were once glaciers. Shanghai, Tokyo, Bangladesh, Bangkok, Australia, Italy, France, India, Spain: cities, entire countries are sinking day by day into rising sea levels. Living space is getting smaller and smaller. We no longer talk about how many people drown every day. We look and remain silent. Nobody thought it would happen so fast. Do we have to drown before we act?
Is nuclear energy a sensible and sustainable source of energy or just doomed to failure? Nuclear energy not only divides cores, but also the population. I wanted to ironically give this very controversial energy source a culturally important place, namely on a postage stamp. So is the nuclear power plant now a figurehead for Switzerland? But if you take a closer look and consider the year of publication, you realise that appearances are deceptive and yet not everything is as nice and simple as hoped.
My poster deals with the topic "building boom". I selected various facts about construction consumption in Switzerland and integrated them vertically into the poster. I visualised the reduction of materials and the lack of space in the poster. It was important to me to create a threatening appearance with simple graphic surfaces that can be read differently depending on the view. Although the black blocks can be recognised as buildings, it is also possible to interpret them as part of a quarry. This is mainly to encourage the subjective view of the viewer.
We archive so many things, we keep what is important to us and throw away everything "unnecessary". We don't care what happens to our rubbish after we have used up the energy. But all the things thrown away also mean energy thrown away. How can we keep this energy and reuse it at some point? The suggestion is that we vacuum all our used things and archive them until some clever inventor comes up with a way to restore the energy.
In my poster I show the truest form of energy: vibrations. To do this, I built a "dimensional machine" with the help of which I could make these vibrations visible. In simple terms, I used loudspeaker membranes to apply different frequencies to water and make it vibrate. With the poster I want to draw attention to the fact that everything we know and perceive is based on vibrations. Nothing is good or bad, it just exists. I bring this ironically to the point with the phrase "Good Vibes Only".
In my poster, I exaggerate the concept of "energy". The banana is a synonym for energy. In our daily lives, we quickly turn to addictive substances when we have an energy deficit. We often forget that normal products such as a banana can also be a great source of energy.
You can feed 10 times more people with plant-based food than with animal-based food! That is the statement I want to make with my poster. I have focused on the food industry for the energy theme. The poster is based on the "food pyramid", where we as humans can choose to be primary consumers or secondary consumers. By our decision we can eat 10 times more efficiently. I would like to encourage a conscious consumption of animal foods. The 1:10 ratio is shown in the background with the correct number of symbols. On the vertical axis, the miniature cows are getting fatter. The eye-catcher of the poster is the large cow, which forms an organic and emotional contrast to the didactic background. The colour reminds us of the light of the meat counter in the supermarket. The X-ray image does not tell us what is inside the cow. Milk, fat or a calf after all? Why is she so fat?
Probably many know the feeling of sluggishness and tiredness, no matter what, whether it is after work and stress or after all kinds of
activities. Each of us needs to take time out and "recharge" sometimes. I wanted to design a poster that everyone can understand, no matter what language you speak. The bright red plug represents not only recharging people, but also people's dependence on electricity. You can interpret the poster either way.